Asymmetric Cycler Time Relay

relay timẻ bất đối xứng

Product information:
Time function:

The loop starts with a signal

The function selection is performed by an external bridge between S-A1 connection bridges.

(0.1s-1s / 1s-10s / 0.1 min-1min / 1min -10min / 0.1s-1 / 1s-10s / 0.1day-1day / 1day-10day / 3day-30day / 10day-100day).

Time divided by 10 intervals: 0.1s-100days

The transition state is indicated by LED.

1 module, mounted on DIN rail.

      BECKHOFF        BECKHOFF      Biến tần ABB   Bộ điều khiển nhiệt độ EMKO      Động cơ giảm tốc GGM    DC Servo Fastech      Klemsan